Friday, November 25, 2011


First of all, my apologies to my faithful readers, if there are any. To redeem myself, I promise to put up at least 1 post every week until the end of the year, except 3-9th December, when I have my exams. I did not make any posts in October as the PCLL got a little intense and my sister had to march down the aisle. For those who are interested, you may catch a glimpse of the gorgeous bride and the dashing groom on this photography blog created by my cousin Brian Ting. 

It took me days to recover from my sister's wedding. I lost interest in everything and all I cared about was my bed. I finally crawled out of my cocoon last week and started cooking again. Ahh, my long lost happiness and sense of satisfaction. 

Every member of my family loves this. We order this every time we go to 夏麵館. It is very simple to make, very cheap, and you can make the sauce in advance, keep it in the fridge and every time you want something to eat, you can go grab the sauce, reheat it, cook the noodles and in only 3 minutes, any lazy bum get the taste of heaven. Trust me.

The sauce
(serving: 6-8)
Ingredients- a big bunch of spring onion (around 100g), 200ml (1 Chinese rice bowl) of canola oil, 200ml (1 Chinese rice bowl) of sweetened soy sauce good for 煲仔飯, a handful of dried shrimps, 5-6 tablespoons of sugar
1. Rinse the dried shrimps and soak them in boiled water. Set aside.

2. Rinse the spring onion, and cut the spring onion into 3-4 sections.
3. Heat the oil in a pan/wok over small-medium fire. Throw in the spring onion and let it slowly cook over small-medium fire for 10 min until the spring onion starts to brown and the kitchen smells really good. 
4. Flip the spring onions and throw in the drained soaked shrimps and let them slowly cook over small-medium fire for another 10min.
5. Pour in the sweetened soy sauce and add in the sugar. 
6. My favourite step- taste!  You may add in more sugar, it's a matter of personal taste.
1. You should have got your cooked noodles ready, drained and placed in a bowl. 
2. Spoon the sauce along with the fried spring onions and dried shrimps over the noodle and mix. Be generous with the spring onions. 

P.S. Use canola oil because it tastes light and helps to bring out the flavour of spring onions.
P.P.S. Regarding the leftover sauce, let it cool down then put it in a glass container, you may keep it refrigerated for up to a month.  

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